My Bedtime Friend by Dr. Tamika L. Johnson
My Bedtime Friend is a story about a little girl named Mi’ Amor who experiences the love and protection of Jesus in her dream. Mi’ Amor begins her journey with a bedtime prayer. While asleep, she experiences the Lord speaking to her. As a result, she subconsciously invites Him into her dream. Mi’ Amor begins to feel secure while asleep because she’s in the presence of the Lord. While asleep, she also learns that whenever she’s tempted to feel afraid Jesus is always right there to protect her. Throughout her dream she’s being taught scriptures to meditate on. On their journey Jesus takes Mi’ Amor to places she can’t fathom in real life. As Mi’ Amor falls deeper and deeper to sleep, she and the Lord travels farther and farther away from where she is most familiar. She gains full confidence that her bedtime Friend is near which makes her unafraid to travel through the unknown. As she’s awakened, she hears a still small voice which tells her that not only is He in her dreams every night, but He’s also in the dreams of every one of His children as they sleep. Mi’ Amor begins to express her gratitude towards her Friend for not only being with her in her dreams, but for Him also being with her when she’s awake!